Murals can really add some excitement to a kids bedroom or playroom, or that sense of ambiance if you need a trompe l'oeil for your restaurant. The murals shown in the gallery were developed with very different requirements in mind.
The billabong mural was completed on a transportable frame and mounted behind a large window frame to simulate a bush scene as viewed through a cabin window. The Seuss-town mural was for a doctor's surgery specialising in young families, and so the mural was designed to appeal to young children (we wrote an accompanying Dr Suess-like story along the lines of "I can see... can you?" so that the kids could be kept occupied trying to find the various elements in the mural). The undersea mural is a more standard mural designed for a pre-teen's rumpus room.
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Georgia's Bedroom

Outdoor Feature Wall - Private Residence

Bugs Cafe

Scarface (Al Pacino) Themed Home Theatre - Private Residence